Tuesday, March 26, 2013

BSOMA Blessings

The Billingsley School of Music & Arts, Inc. is officially a tax deductible 501(c)(3) organization!


The journey started on Tuesday, October 2nd 2012. 

I left everything comfortable and familiar for a road much less traveled through rough terrain. Since making that decision there have been some really hard days, but the amazing days definitely outweigh the bad. 

On Friday, March 22nd I received yet another rainbow! BSOMA's official acceptance letter from the IRS. We obtained our 501(c)(3) status in less than 6 months.

A small portion of the Dream Team. Pictured From Left To Right: Front Row: Paulita Todhunter, Menia Buckner, David Billingsley, Pamela Rollins, Ginger Commodore; Back Row: Susan Campion, Gary Hines, Juneau Armstrong-Hill, Nakeisha Ferguson, Lonte Hill, Steven Daniels Jr., Pete Rhodes

The Dream Team
Three days after receiving our 501(c)(3) acceptance letter we assembled a team of arts & community all-stars to help guide, enhance and refine the BSOMA vision and plan for the community.

The Dream Team consisted of 20 of the top artists, educators, and community activists from all across the metro. 

The intelligence, synergy and creativity in the room was beyond amazing! And the BSOMA Board of Directors were also on hand giving their insight as well.

The Dream Team Roster

Judge LaJune Lange

Judge. 4th Judicial District Court. Adjunct Professor. Civic Education. Lecturer

Dr. Kathy Thomsen
Associate Professor of Music & Fine Arts. Dalcroze Eurhythmics. President of Dalcroze Society of America.

VJ Smith
Mad Dads. Community Activist. Youth & Community Outreach. Trailblazer. Pioneer. 

Ginger Commodore
World Touring Jazz Artist. Educator. Actor. Singer. Clinician. Moore By Four. Sounds of Blackness. 

Paulita Todhunter
Diversity Director. Beauty Consultant. Youth Advocate.

Brandon Commodore
World Touring Drummer. Mint Condition. The BoomBox Music Company. Producer. 

Ronie George
Visual Arts. Educator. Angel. Motivator. Kid-Magnet. Visual Creator. 

Lonte Hill
Nonprofit Expert. Entrepreneur. Choreographer. Brilliant.

Steven Daniels
Musician Extraordinaire. Shiloh Baptist Church. Songwriter. Producer

Juneau Hill-Armstrong
Director. Clinical Supervisor. Early Childhood Mental Health. Professional Development Training.

Marcus Armstrong
Executive Director of Imani Youth & Family Services. Mental Health. Youth & Family. Public Policy Advocate.

Pamela Rollins
Visionary. Businesswoman. Dreamer. Writer. Playwright.

Lauren Miller
Art. Social Justice. Education. Youth Work.

Tyaira Hayden
Marketing. Branding. Youth Leadership.

Menia Buckner
Dance. Youth Motivator. Community Activist. 

Hope Ledeboer
Young Life Twin Cities Director. Theological Seminary. Youth Mentorship.

Jovianni Davis, a talented young pianist and former student of Mr. Billingsley